The XV National Congress on Rural Tourism, organised by the Spanish Association of Rural Tourism (ASETUR), took place in Aýna (Spain), on June 4th and 5th.
ASETUR includes about 8 000 rural accommodations (more than half of the sector) in the whole country, and is the only rural tourism association at national level in Spain.
Our project partner, Juan Carlos Muñoz Flores, project manager at COAG-Jaén, participated as a speaker at the round table named “Current Challenges on Rural Tourism”.
In his presentation, he made an overview on the current concept of agrotourism and its evolution through time. He also dealt with topics such as the boundaries between agrotourism and rural tourism, statistics, regulation and taxation issues, especially in the Spanish framework. In his speech, Muñoz showed the progress made by our Erasmus+ project STAY, which addresses these issues and aims at encouraging farmers to opt for agrotourism as a complement to their farming activity, for which training programmes will be developed.