Between September 17th and 19th, 2024, the Association of Private Farming of the Czech Republic hosted the fourth international meeting of the STAY project, funded under the Erasmus+ program and focused on the development of agrotourism. The main goal of the meeting was to summarise the final tasks for completing the curriculum for vocational training in agriculture and tourism and to subsequently allocate tasks for the preparation and development of educational modules that will follow these curricula. During the discussions, project dissemination was also addressed, which is a key aspect of its successful outreach to both professionals and the general public. Additionally, a schedule of upcoming in-person and virtual project meetings and educational training, which the project partners will undertake before its conclusion at the end of 2025, was outlined.
An important part of the project meeting was also online sessions with a local agritourism expert, Zdenka Nosková from the Association of Rural Tourism and Agritourism, and visits and tours of selected local agrotourism farms, where participants gained practical insights into current trends in agrotourism in the Czech Republic: Dvorec Farm, Basařovi Farm a Pod Hájkem Biofarm. Here, participants had the opportunity to see how agrotourism operates in the country, and the tours also included a tasting of local homemade products.
Photos taken by Lucie Ficková